Saturday, October 24, 2009

Excerpt from an article found on

Regarding Colon Cleanse for detox purposes:

" If you choose to do colon cleansing, be sure to take these simple precautions:

- Check with your conventional medical providers first, especially if you take any medications or have any health problems.

- Make sure your colon-cleansing practitioner uses disposable equipment that hasn't been previously used.

- Get a list of specific herbal ingredients and amounts in any colon-cleansing products you use — some herbal supplements can cause health problems.

- Beware of broad or inflated claims that colon cleansing will cure an illness or improve your health.

- *****Stay well hydrated by drinking lots of fluids while undergoing colon cleansing to prevent dehydration.*****

If you are considering colon cleansing because of constipation, consider trying these steps first to relieve constipation:

■Drink plenty of fluids, including water
■Eat a diet rich in fiber"

This was taken from an article on the MayoClinic's website. The excerpt has some good things to think about. Colon cleanse' obviously right for everyone nor are they neccessary for everyone. Based on my research there are real benefits to a colon cleanse. Remember that you need to stay well hydrated while doing a cleanse.

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