Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Silent Night

Friday, December 11, 2009

Tips for a healthy colon

Here is a free video I found from Bianca James. She is a leading research expert in the Colon health industry. She explains a bit about herself and her work before going into her tips for a good health.

I'm guilty of some of these bad habits!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Worried about a colon cancer screening?

Here Dr. Linda Rabeneck discuss the colon cancer screening procedure. It isn't intimidating or humiliating in the slightest. Don't let fear take your life! Get screened!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Colon Health Tips

Take a look at this pic Good Colon vs Bad Colon! Sad.

This is an article that I borrowed from the kind folks at http://www.colonhealthtips.com/.

This article focuses on the major benefits of a colon cleanse. Colon cleanse improves the health of your colon which results in significant improvement of your overall health and limits the occurrence of constipation and diarrhea.

The main benefit of a colon cleanse is that it removes the toxins that have build up over the years, so the digestive system will be able to function more effectively, which means that more nutrients will be absorbed from the food you eat every day, and a larger percentage of the toxins will be flushed out of your system before they harm your body. So a colon cleanse means improved heath of the immune system and the entire body.

Another benefit of colon cleanse is that helpful in alleviating or preventing constipation. The problem with most Americans is in their daily diet. If you just examine what 90% of us consume everyday, you will be shocked by the amount of toxins contained. The typical foods that we eat such as meats, dairy products, and pre-packaged dinners have a large toxic content and cause constipation. Those foods are also high in fat, refined sugars and preservatives so they are much harder to digest.

The average American doesn't even come close to the recommended daily amounts of fiber that must be consumed (around 30 grams a day). Fiber is important because it helps to aid digestion and move waste through the system. The result of all this is a a lot of toxic waste which becomes encrusted on the walls of the colon walls and hinders elimination.

On the other hand, through regular colon cleansing, this undigestated waste is removed from the internal walls of the colon as well as the hardened fecal mater that is blocking the passageway of the colon. After a procedure like that, the waste can pass quickly and efficiently through the system, preventing constipation. There are cases where patients have lost of weight after a colon cleanse procedure and that is more than welcome because all that's lost is waste, and in some cases it's as much as ten to thirty pounds of stagnant fecal matter.

Additional benefits of colon cleansing include - increased energy levels, improved concentration, clearer skin, better absorption of vitamins and minerals from foods, overall healthful feeling, maximizing the Benefits of Colon Cleansing.

Good news is that it looks like our nation is now entering a more health-conscious phase of thinking so a lot of us are beginning to pay more attention to all these problems at a younger age and that's the best way to prevent the problem from occurring in the first place. More and more Americans are starting to test out alternative medicines and change their diet turning to healthy foods.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Get me summa that Fiver!

Here is some information I dug up on fiber and it's effects on the body.... just kind of interesting and thought I'd pass it along.

So what constitutes fiber? Well you have probably heard it called roughage in the past, but today scientists and the general public use the term fiber. Fiber is a type of un-digestable complex carbohydrate found in plants. Fiber is not considered a food; fiber in itself has no caloric value because the body cannot digest or absorb it. Therefore, high fiber foods have a tendency to be low in fat and are typically low in calories e.g. foods such as fruits and vegetables. Fiber can be divided into two categories according to their physical characteristics and affects on the body: there are the water insoluble ('course' fiber) and muciligenic types. Each form functions differently and provides different health benefits. The insoluble fibers, such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin are not soluble in water.

Muciligenic fibers such as gums, cereals and pectin's are more soluble in water. Our intestines function as our body's own waste disposal system. Food in liquid form moves from the small intestine into the colon for final processing. Here most of the water and minerals are re-absorbed, leaving the semi-solid waste which is evacuated through the rectum. Any breakdown in the intestine's natural cleansing process is accompanied by risks of poor food assimilation and toxicity build-up. Highly refined foods, including sugar and white flour, make us susceptible to intestinal problems such as colitis, constipation, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel (IBS) and Crohn's disease. These types of disorders are rare in parts of the world where native foods provide many times more fiber than the modern highly processed diet we have here in the U.S.

This information was taken from Life-Cleanse.com (check their site out by clicking the link to the right).

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What to be aware of when looking at Colon Cleanse companies.

Any company that claims that colon cleansing alone will cause you to lose weight. Colon cleansing can help you look slimmer by reducing bloating, but it is not a one-shot diet remedy. Using colon cleansing products should always be accompanied by a sensible diet and healthy exercise. PureCleanse contains a formula of active ingredients that can help rid your body of toxins. When used as part of an overall lifestyle initiative, it may help you lose weight faster than diet and exercise alone.

Any company that claims their product has been endorsed by Oprah Winfrey or any other celebrity. While Oprah has discussed the potential benefits of colon cleansing on her program, she has not endorsed any specific nutritional product ever.

Any company that claims that colon cleansing can enhance sexual desire, cure cancer or stop male pattern baldness. Colon cleansing can help rid your body of toxins and make you look and feel less bloated.” If the company you are considering purchasing colon cleansing products from makes claims that seem “too good to be true,” they probably are.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Ingredients of the Dual Action Cleanse

I actually saw the tv informercial for this stuff last night. That pitch guy is kind of a goober, but his product is awesome.

Each pill contained a staggering amount of healthy stuff:

•Acacia Gum: Which supports proper digestion and elimination of food.
•Alfalfa Leaf: An insoluble fiber that bulks the stool and helps promote peristalsis.
•Apple Pectin: A soluble fiber that promotes healthy bowel movement.
•Apple Powder: Contains both pectins and lignins. Lignins are thought to act as antioxidants.
•Barley Rice Fiber: Another soluble fiber in the lignin class.
•Beet root: A soluble and insoluble fiber that sweeps and cleanses the colon and digestive tract system.
•Fennel Seed: A long-used herb which eases stomach discomfort and dispels gas.
•Garlic: Which enhances digestive function.
•Guar Gum: A soluble fiber shown to be helpful in regulating glucose levels.
•Gum Karaya: Which supports proper digestion and elimination of food.
•Lactobacillus Acidophilus: An essential bacteria that promotes proper intestinal environment.
•Lemon Peel: A soluble fiber and lemon pectins act as a soft, natural laxative.
•Mint Leaf: A herb traditionally used to support healthy digestion.
•Oat Bran: A healthy staple that is chock full of fiber and can help lower cholesterol.
•Pau D’Arco root: A herb that possesses immune-enhancing properties and may be destructive to certain harmful microorganisms.
•Red Raspberry Leaf: A blood tonic.

•Slippery Elm Bark: Another herb for healthy digestion.
•Turnip: Which enhances blood circulation.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

What are the Symptoms of Colon Cancer

The following is an excerpt from an article found on Colonhealth.about.com. Ms Dixon goes through the different types of colon cancer symptoms and how to identify them. This is good reading. BE INFORMED!

What are the Symptoms of Colon Cancer?
By Suzanne Dixon, MPH, RD

Colon cancer can have many symptoms. However, in the early stages, people with colon cancer often have no symptoms at all. This is why regular screening beginning at 50 is an important investment in your healthy future.

Colon cancer symptoms come in two general varieties:


Local Colon Cancer Symptoms

Local colon cancer symptoms affect your bathroom habits and the colon itself. Some of the more common local symptoms of colon cancer include:

•Changes in your bowel habits, such as bowel movements that are either more or less frequent than normal
•Constipation (difficulty having a bowel movement or straining to have a bowel movement)
•Diarrhea (loose or watery stools)
•Intermittent (alternating) constipation and diarrhea
•Bright red or dark red blood in your stools or black, dark colored, "tarry" stools
•Stools that are thinner than normal ("pencil stools") or feeling as if you cannot empty your bowels completely
•Abdominal (midsection) discomfort, bloating, frequent gas pains, or cramps
If you experience any of these for two or more weeks, call your doctor right away to discuss your concerns and arrange for tests to get to the bottom of your symptoms.

Systemic Colon Cancer Symptoms

Systemic colon cancer symptoms are those that affect your whole body, such as weight loss, and include:

•Unintentional weight loss (losing weight when not dieting or trying to lose weight)
•Loss of appetite
•Unexplained fatigue (extreme tiredness)
•Nausea or vomiting
•Anemia (low red blood cell count or low iron in your red blood cells)
•Jaundice (yellow color to the skin and whites of the eyes)
If you experience any of these for any length of time, even a few days, call your doctor right away to discuss your concerns and arrange for tests to get to the bottom of your symptoms.

What Should I Do if I Have Colon Cancer Symptoms?

Call your doctor so he or she can set up an appointment to see you. During the appointment your doctor will take a medical history, collect blood samples for testing, and schedule you for follow-up tests, if needed.

Many people are afraid of colon cancer screening. They worry that it will hurt and that it is embarrassing. Your doctor and nurse have performed hundreds, and in some cases even thousands, of these procedures. There is nothing to be embarrassed about and remember: Even your doctor and nurse undergo these same tests to take care of their own health.

Preparing for Colon Cancer Tests

If you are worried about preparing for your colon cancer tests, ask your doctor about how best to get ready for any procedures. There are different medications for clearing your colon of stool to ensure a good screening. There is no reason to suffer in silence!

Excerpt from an article found on www.mayoclinic.com

Regarding Colon Cleanse for detox purposes:

" If you choose to do colon cleansing, be sure to take these simple precautions:

- Check with your conventional medical providers first, especially if you take any medications or have any health problems.

- Make sure your colon-cleansing practitioner uses disposable equipment that hasn't been previously used.

- Get a list of specific herbal ingredients and amounts in any colon-cleansing products you use — some herbal supplements can cause health problems.

- Beware of broad or inflated claims that colon cleansing will cure an illness or improve your health.

- *****Stay well hydrated by drinking lots of fluids while undergoing colon cleansing to prevent dehydration.*****

If you are considering colon cleansing because of constipation, consider trying these steps first to relieve constipation:

■Drink plenty of fluids, including water
■Eat a diet rich in fiber"

This was taken from an article on the MayoClinic's website. The excerpt has some good things to think about. Colon cleanse' obviously right for everyone nor are they neccessary for everyone. Based on my research there are real benefits to a colon cleanse. Remember that you need to stay well hydrated while doing a cleanse.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Check out some colon health product reviews from an independent source

I found http://www.colonhealthadvice.com/ while doing some research this morning on colon health. These guys appear to have reviewed every colon health product and probiotic in the industry. Check em out.

Do your own research, make your own decisions and live a healthy informed life.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Improving Your health with a Healthy Colon

The following excerpt if from an article published in By: Dr. Edward F. Group III
Updated: April 23, 2009

"Dr. John Harvey Kellogg was a famous surgeon and the creator of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes. He was also one of the earliest and most famous believers in the need to maintain the health of the colon. Dr. Kellogg believed that the root of most health problems originated in the bowel. This is why he developed a bran cereal that would help people improve the functioning of their colons.

An unhealthy colon is one in which fecal matter has been allowed to build up on its walls and within its cells. Over time, this fecal matter becomes encrusted in the colon, blocking its openings and slowing down the passage of stools. This fecal matter then continues to build up for days, weeks, months, and even years, putrefying and then poisoning your entire system. And as Dr. Kellogg suggested, poor health in the colon can lead to the development of a number of other conditions. Illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, colds, influenza, arthritis, and allergies are all examples of diseases that have been associated with a toxic colon. In fact, in most cases, the severity of a disease can be linked directly to the level of toxicity in the colon.

Improved overall health is one of the most significant benefits of colon cleansing. By removing the toxins that have built up over time, colon cleansing allows the digestive system to function more efficiently. More nutrients are absorbed from food, and toxins are flushed out of the colon before they have a chance to harm our health. This improves the health of the immune system and the entire body. "

Find the right colon cleanse for you http://tinyurl.com/yhkst2n